| - Had already been a member of Costco for about 12 years (actually all 3 major warehouse clubs) before this one opened so close by. Having been to a number of them all over (including traveling 45 mins previously to Mayfield & Strongsville), this one is a relief!
As long as you avoid any Costco like the plague on weekends & week leading up to any major holiday, you will be happier. Some Costcos are a busy nightmare regardless of the day, but this one typically has a sense of calm on the weekdays and the employees work through people at the registers so fast you don't ever wait long.
I like all 3 major warehouse names equally, as they all have their own positives & very little overlap in merchandise, so I have things I get regularly from each. A majority of Costco purchases for me tend to be impulsive, non-essential items you "didn't know you had to have," while with the other 2 it tends to be regularly used household goods in normal sizes being the majority of purchases.
Don't get attached to brands at Costco, because they'll remove & replace them without notice, where I can count on my usual items being at BJ's & Sam's. Costco's produce is VERY hit or miss (more often miss) in excessively overly large amounts, which hasn't been the case at the others. I also don't like how things are moved around for no apparent reason from trip to trip, so if you're in a hurry that gets annoying.
Since Costco doesn't open until 10am on weekdays (and closes pretty early compared to the competition), that is a big negative, and an advantage Sam's (business membership gets in 7am) & BJ's has over them, since I like to shop earlier.