| - I've been here hundreds of times and it's always been good, not great but, good. The only reason I'm giving two stars and not one is because they had "name that tune" which was a lot of fun. Outside of that, the service was horrible. It started with my attempt to arrange transportation to Jjs. I contacted mike about 45 minutes before I needed a ride as Jjs provides a courtesy shuttle. He told me they don't really "schedule" rides and to just call back about 5 minutes before I needed to be picked up. I call 5 minutes before and then he tells me 15 minutes?!? Wtf?!? So at this point, and after sensing his clear disinterest in helping me, I decide to just take myself there. Now because of this, I've chosen not to drink since I now have to drive. My plan was to spend a ton of money there on drinks for me and my friends so, looks like Jjs just lost money.
Now on to the bartender. 1) slower than molasses 2) never seen her there before, perhaps she is new 3) flat at rude, was ignored twice while clearly waiting for service 4) lied and said she was the manager 5) did not smile once 6) aren't you supposed to personable and friendly of you're a bartender? Someone get this girl a personality! 7) when called out on the above, she rolled her eyes, pouted like a child then walked away!