Are you a fan of craft cocktail bars?
If so, you may want to pass on Citizen R&D.
It has the elements of exclusivity (expect a lengthy wait at the bottom of an outdoor stairwell) and attendant pageantry in the presentation of cocktails. I can abide and even enjoy both of these elements if the quality of the cocktails is exceptional.
Unfortunately that was not the case. My friend and I had the Old Fashioned and New Yorker and both were lacking in quality (in spite of the lengthy explanation and presentation by the very kind and knowledgeable server). This was disappointing, I root for these places and am pleased when they deliver well.
In the spirit of fairness, only two of the 30 or so cocktails were sampled, so there may be something we missed quality wise. our choices were adaptations of classics, if you can't get the basics of blocking and tackling correct, it inspires little confidence and interest in exploring further.
The craft cocktail movement is welcome and when well executed, a pure delight. Recently, my favorites have been in San Francisco, Seattle (with a special shout out to Rob Roy), and Williams and Graham in Denver.