Cabane a Sucre
Having never enjoyed going to a Cabane a Sucre or the food served there I was ready to be swayed.
A different twist on Cabane food but conceptually the same.
Gluttony gone overbord.
What restaurant starts by giving you a doggy bag?
And what would you do with it once you got it home?
Once you sit the food arrives in quantity with no stop.
Just enough time to shovel it into mouth and take out container.
After the mains it was straight to the dumpster with the leftovers.
Shame for such waste.
A day later I can't remember one dish I enjoyed except perhaps the oysters.
There must be reason I've never gone back to the Pied de Couchon in Montreal.
This place is worth a try just to experience it .
Just can't guarantee you will enjoy the experience.
Wine at 50 plus a bottle was plonk.Fotunately there are only 4 or 5.
Go straight to the hundred dollar plus bottles.Maybe better.