| - Don't quite think it's bringing sexy back....
What can't I say about this place that hasn't been said before?
Food: they have a new chef, so apparently they heard others talking badly about the food. I actually really enjoyed the food and our server was awesome. Ridiculously expensive? Yes. Good to my tum? Definitely. We decided to try a little of everything so in our menu was the Seared Ahi, Chopped salad with bacon dates, Tenderloin empanadas, Mozzarella and heirloom tomatoes, and sweet potato fries.
Ahi was seared perfectly. It had a slightly spicey musky sauce with it. Very yum unless you don't like raw-ish fish. Bacon dates are my new favorite. Mmmm. Empanadas were good, but you didn't really get much of a meat flavor. Caprese was wonderfully fresh. Sweet potato fries....god yes.
Price per dish around $9 to $14. You're looking at about $25 for an entree. Drinks were relatively decent in price...but $12 for a glass of wine. My favorite Reisling is $12 per bottle, for crying out loud.
This place is AWESOME for people watching. Young things with massive...melons of flesh, meat-head men trying to look cool, 50+ women trying to outdo the young things, and 50+ men ogling everyone creepily.
The singers on stage were quite cheesy. Great choice in music, but I'd much rather listen to the DJ version than a upscale karaoke. No dude, you're NOT bringing sexy back with those aviator shades and check shirt. And whoa...the female singer...honey, you need someone else to do your extentions.
Wierd mix of dress code: from prom date to stained t-shirts. Ugh.
$9 for a pack of cigs (I don't smoke, but I heard) and you can order a drink in the bathroom. Wha? So you can drink and pee all night long and never have to leave the room?
Funny, funny place. I'd probably go again mainly for the abundance of people watching. This place doesn't get more than three mainly for the cheese factor and the prices. At least sugar daddies abound at this place.