| - The most recent city of Burgasm Hunt 2011 is Mississauga. Initially I had planned on paying a visit to Original Gangster Burgers, only to discover the O.G. face down and lights out, with a "For Lease" sign on the door. Alas poor O.G, we hardly knew ye *pours out a 40*
Anyway, next stop was C & Dubbs Hamburgers.
Armed with only a very vague recollection of where it was located, and despite being wedged among about a million eateries in the Dundas/Dixie area, the place was extremely easy to spot while driving, and thankfully, it was still open. It should also be noted that while closed Monday, they're open until midnight Tuesday-Thursday, 1am Friday and Saturday, and 9pm Sunday.
The interior is very clean, presentable, and spacious.
As they use a few nicknames for their burgers (Sumo burger, banquet burger and a couple of others), I had to inquire as to what was what, and the kid behind the counter was more than helpful and courteous. If you're looking for just burgers, you have the choice of a standard hamburger/cheeseburger, the banquet (bacon cheeseburger), the half-pounder (I forget the name), and the Sumo (the big daddy full-pounder). While I was hungry (but not too hungry) I opted for the half-pounder along with a banquet for later on or the next day, and the total was under 10 dollars.
The burgers were prepared in a timely fashion, and they also have the standard selection of toppings. Another thing I noticed while getting my toppings was how much the employees seemed to get along, and it just gave off a real 'family-owned' type vibe, and I dig that.
Anyway, I took the burgers home and gave the half-Sumo a shot.
Mind-blowing loin-obliterating burgasm! By FAR the best burger I've had in a long time, and that's taking into consideration that I went to Five Guys only a couple of days ago. it was just so flavourful, melt in your mouth good. The bun tasted as though it just left a bakery, it was THAT fresh. My God! It was so delicious that I immediately afterward ate up the banquet burger as well, which was just as consistent.
This truly is as good as it gets, and I can't wait to return.