| - WARNING FOR VEGETARIANS: This is one of those places that it is really difficult to order vegetarian, and when you get your food you are still not too sure everything is really meat or meat juice free, so it is kind of uncomfortable. We all (veggies) have experienced when we ask if something is made with meat, they say "I don't know," and do not seem to care to find out. Or they say "No," and you are doubtful, so you ask them to check, and they come back and confirm you were right. Ugh.
I don't mind if you do not have a veggie menu, but I know I am not the only guy asking these questions.
The food was OK, but it is hard to evaluate when you are trying to figure out of you are eating meat or broth, and scared if it will make you sick all afternoon.
Anyway, the waiter was nice, if not that helpful. It is a hole in the wall, as others have described. There are better Mexican choices nearby, for veggie or carnivores. Check my reviews for more on that.