Ugh, I have a beef with this place and maybe it's all Fabutans...
I get that you like to schedule people for tans, and you have a lovely book, and you like to play by the rules - but just let a dude squeeze in when he seems all the beds are empty cause the 3:00pm people only needed 8-10 minutes and not a full 30 minute slot??
Your business is to sell minutes. The more people use, the more we buy. If you don't let us in we can't use them. I'm trying to HELP YOU make more money.
The service is meh (if they get off the cell phone long enough to say hello.) The store is clean, lots of tanning creams to choose from. The hours are lousy (close too early on weeknights and weekends - which plays into the "I cannot use my minutes rant above").
I have enjoyed other Fabutan locations better.
April Challenge 23/30