| - I'm not going easy on this place just because it's new. While I can appreciate the hard work that goes into opening a restaurant, I have standards!
When we walked in we were greeted with hip hop at a good volume and smiling staff (including, I assume, the Mother). Very nice! The space is huge and I think they could do a lot more with it. As it is now, the sparsely furnished place gives off a sad vibe. They should really put in some booths to fill up the space and add to the diner vibe! The washrooms are good, I love self contained washrooms.
Our burgers - 99 burger and Mozart - were delicious and juicy. There were some unique spices used, I think cumin? I thought the fluffy bun was a bit too big for my 4 oz burger, but looked like a good size for the bigger ones. On a prep note, they might want to cut the ribs out of the lettuce. The fries were close to perfect except that they were overly salted. The garlic sauce that came with the fries was very, very yummy. All in all very good portions. I loved the metal tray the food came out on, it was a nice touch.
We only noticed the small ice cream display on the way out. It'd be really awesome if they offered floats or milkshakes, especially in the hotter months.