Will not be visiting them again. I was having a great day with my mom in Red Rocks and went by to pick up a geology subject book. I was waiting at the info desk for just a minute before a hefty woman approached, unsmiling to my smile and kind of a look like I was bothering her (rolled her eyes and huffed). I had already looked in the science section myself for a geology subject book and couldn't find anything. They had a good bunch of astronomy and physics books which is awesome...but it's most of their science section. They had about two field guides on gems and rock. I asked her if there were any more books anywhere else and she said probably not and walked over with me to the section which I appreciated at least. She pointed out the field guide - and then told me I should go to the library. I gave her a smile. She gave me her grumpy face and I left. I went to Border's (back from where my mother and I came - towards Red Rocks and got a completely different type of attitude). Disappointed by the customer service and the tiny science section - God forbid, people read anything educational in Las Vegas, right?