Since I moved to this area last year, I've prayed every day for a Vietnamese restaurant on this side of town and lo and behold- we finally have one! It's even biking distance! This place is very newly opened with unremarkable interior- in other words, exactly like the types of Vietnamese restaurants I would frequent in my childhood in Utah and California. The people are super sweet, and the old man had extra kind and gracious manners. I got two bowls of pho tai for takeout, and was pleased to see that saw leaf herb was included (rau ngo om ). Saw leaf herb is typically a little pricier than the standard bean sprouts and basil, so I always give extra kudos when extra effort is made in including this very traditional herb. The broth itself was solid; I usually like a little more anise flavor but it was still favorable nonetheless. All in all, I was very pleased and hope they receive the support they deserve!