| - Invariably on hot summer nights, the line to Greg's snakes out the door and down the sidewalk. The popularity of this homemade ice cream parlor just can't be reckoned with. And frankly, there really aren't any fair contenders in that fight.
While a mild sensitivity to heavy cream means I can only indulge periodically, and that I am more apt to hit up fro-yo or gelato options first, I can happily say that I have learned that a bite or two of Greg's won't do me any real harm. The specialty flavors are out of this world and the toppings are always fresh and tasty.
The one complaint I have about Greg's is the fact that their store is so tiny and sadly devoid of outdoor seating of any kind. As such, there are about three tables which are heavily sought-after and fought over. Everyone from old people to teenyboppers lay claim to the seats in Greg's, and despite the impermanence of ice cream they sure manage to linger at those tables for a long time. Maybe the thrill of victory? The table situation isn't a problem on nice nights, but when a friend decides that Greg's is a must have on a cold, rainy October night, eating ice cream al fresca gets old, quick.
Obvs get the marshmallow, it's insane even if you don't love marshmallow with an undying passion as I do. Other flavors to watch for are the coconut, banana and sweet cream flavors.