| - everything that leads up to you embarking upon your eating experience seemed compelling. oh boy - catchy enough name. queen west - hip enough area. even a few honest-ed style lights alerting me to it being "open" for business lure me inside with the hope of a juicy wheel of beef to call my own. of course, the promise of a special on mill st. beer with my burger for a mere 16 bucks (right, mere...) clinched it for me.
well for a hefty price like that, it fell very short. firstly, there was no mill street left. no one has to go business school or ever work in a restaurant to know that if you dont have it available, DONT ADVERTISE IT. i had to mention it to them to remove the sign, which they did.
the waitresses serving me were very nice, patient and understanding. i settled for a sleemans, which was offered to me at a mere three bucks (here the "mere" is meant for real). I sat and watched silent snippets of a women's hockey game in the olympics on one of the tvs that besieged you as you ate. (are we really that boring to each other?). now i was in a rush and probably shouldnt have come there in the first place because i had a play to catch. but i asked them to check on my burger - AAA 8 oz burger with havarti, cheddar, swiss, guacamole, tomato, lettuce - and they did and it came out a minute later - DRY AS A BONE.
i imagine that they are required to cook a burger to a certain doneness for legal reasons or some such, but when you have to load it up with mayo and heinz dijon (low quality for sure) just so you can stomach it, there is a problem.
i really cant express how tragic it is for me when i pay through the nose for food and it sucks. they offered me a 15 percent discount card for the next time....i left it there.
im willing to acknowledge that a restaurant, a waitress, a cook can have a bad day, of course, but it is hard to return to a place which f-bombs it up the first time around on something you really could have done brilliantly much better at home, especially when they have the gumption to charge as much as they do - and if you tell me that the AAA prime ground chuck, etc., is the reason the price is up that high, then i say to you if i am supposed to afford that meat the respect it deserves (that already sounds weird, but okay), then you, as the cook better idolize it and make me faint with nirvana the moment after it hits my palate.