| - Decent gym - they recently changed their treadmills. There are a LOT of old people at this gym, which takes away from the intensity of the classes. Honestly, I get that when you're 60, it's really hard doing 20 rep steps but I don't feel that the instructor should bend over backwards to make these classes super easy. I joined a gym for the purpose of getting a good intense class workout and took on their "gold membership". Had I wanted to work out myself all the time, I would have stepped down to get their lower membership...
But yeah, due to the amount of oldER and (very unfit) people, it's really hard to find a class that's actually intense. Due to my ears, I can't do master swim and I heard that was pretty intense. I find their spin classes extremely repetitive and they have a lack of balance exercises. Hot yoga isn't even hot. And core fusion left me angry because I felt like I got a 0 workout from that class and I ended up spending 45 minutes on the treadmill afterwards because I was so mad. Zumba is pretty good but again, the intensity is lacking (in ALL instructors).
I go to these classes because I want to burn calories. I don't go for a walk in the park. Fitness Institute, PLEASE bring more intense classes. And if they wanted, the instructors really could suggest, "Ok beginners do this", "if you're up for a challenge, do that". Instead of making EVERYONE do the same boring, 0 calorie, non-intense, no-sweat workout.