| - One of the best Chinese supermarkets around! What differientiates T&T from the rest is the cleanliness, freshness, and customer service.
Signs and prices are legible and easy to read for both Chinese and English speaking customers. The ground is not covered in cardboard pieces, aisles are kept clean and tidy, and people are willing to help you out when you're trying to find items.
And the hot foods range from dimsum, steamed buns, teriyaki/unagi rice bentos, BBQ pork and chicken, and a variety of sushi and drinks. There is usually a small area where you can sit down and eat.
By far, one of the most successful Chinese market establishments and still growing!
Note: Parking is a huge pain. Avoid Saturday and Sunday afternoons. There are people walking EVERYWHERE, you're always looking at every angle before you move to prevent hitting anyone.
OH, and hot food items and sushi are discounted at around 7:30, usually by $1 or $2.