Upset with this location! I understand it's going out of business and all but when you look up an item online and it either says in stock or call to check availability.... AND YOU FREAKING CALL TO CHECK AVAILABILITY! It really doesn't take much for them to either check their system or to physically check! I live 30 miles away from this location and didn't mind driving if it meant, me getting the item I need. Yes I did check the location near me for availability but clearly it's not available! I called other location and had no issue checking for me.
Now this associate repeatedly asked me what I was looking for and I repeated my self ( No attitude or yelling) . All i got was a "Oh Yes We have a couple in stock , but you need to come in yourself and look" ...Umm okay yes let me just drive all the way over there because your lazy soon to be unemployed self! Can't take a few minutes to do your job!