I came to Vegas to visit after traveling for a while and I was in need of a hair cut bad. As always I knew it would be hard finding a barber that won't mess up my hair. Well I went on yelp to look at reviews and this shop has pretty good reviews. The barber with great review was of course super busy with 3 people waiting. So I "interviewed" one of the barbers (guy with white mustache) with an empty chair and explained how important it was that he knew how to cut with scissors. He seemed pretty confident so I gave him the job.
He did a great job when it came to using the clips and gave me a nice fade. When he picked up the scissors and gave the first cut, it started going down hill. He didn't even "measure" my hair to see how much he was going to cut. I stopped him and told him to measure properly, and so he did. He did OK with further instructions, but I knew he wasn't too happy about it. I figured that was going to be the best I was going to get, so I paid the man and left.
I would recommend this shop if your hair cut requires clips only. If the top of your hair requires scissors go somewhere else.
No disrespect, I would suggest the barber who cut my hair, to take a class on techniques to use scissors. Just to freshen up his skills.