It's time for me to write some reviews of the churches i've attended since living in Las Vegas full-time ( 2006 )
My church reviews are limited to Sermon attendance on either Saturday, Sunday or Wednesday but primarily Sunday. Also, another confession - i have yet to "formally" commit to any specific church ( I won't bore you with the details as to why. )
The Crossing is my " go-to" church. It's the closest to my house, I've attended more "non-sermon" activities with this church than any other.
Sunday sermons are:
Live - 8:30. 10, 11:30
Recorded - 6 pm
Special times and days for Easter and Christmas
Pastor Shane is an above average speaker. He's engaging, infuses humor at appropriate times and his message is positive. At times, his message focuses on serious topics but the focal point is uplifting. I find the other pastors that speak to be overly focused on humor and at times tangential in their message.
The music is amazing and very uplifting.
Not sure i agree with the weekly communion but it's a minor issue.
I'm impressed with how they reach out to help the community and abroad.
They are in the process of undertaking a large expansion of the Church - can't remember how much larger the building will be but personally, i'm not too comfortable being in a "large" church so still praying as to the Lord's will as to my future direction.