This is the WORST Little Caesars in Vegas!! Every single time I come either at the quoted time of my order or a few minutes after and it is never ready! It seems like the staff here CANNOT communicate!
They're trying to be laid back and "cool" but it just comes across as childish and unprofessional! I get that it's a fast food restaurant but I feel like a better management team could make these kids provide a better atmosphere!
Tonight I placed my order over the phone. Was quoted 15 minutes, came after 20 and they had no idea where my order had gone. The one guy working the counter had to walk around the back asking everyone if they'd seen my order. So I came back out to my car to write this review!
The counter had broken coin wrappers and old receipts littered all over it.
Another team mate came up and argued with the one guy working the counter about when her break was.
Where is the leadership in this place?!?