This place is window shopping for a guy. When I walk through it's doors I can't help, but long for the great outdoors and adventure.
REI is the expert when it comes to all your outdoor needs. They specialize in hiking, backpacing, moungtaineering, paddling, camping, skiing and biking. They have a wide variety of brands and also sell their own brand and their brand doesn't disappoint. I come in here every now and then to fulfill my hiking needs; get some ideas and feel inspired; or just to kinda hang out and dream I could be in some adventurous destination.
There are staff members in every department and I found them to be eager to assist without being pushy sellers. I have spent time in the hiking and biking areas and found the staff to be very knowledgeable in finding equipment that accomodate your specific needs and fit your body type. They have many free in-service classes on various topics throughout the month as well as online articles and videos to educate you on your particular activity. I haven't utilized it, but rental equipment is also an option at this store.
If you need outdoor gear or assistance regarding an outdoor activity, I highly recommend using REI as a main resource.