Any city that has a multilevel space for women is a must to go. But I must say this was disappointing.
Had I read reviews, I would have maybe not set myself up for so much more. I thought by going on a Saturday evening there would be more to it than just the drag queen show. The drag show was pretty cheesy and super kitschy. Alright for what they do. You know, for a lesbian bar why aren't there any drag kings in the mix? Odd.
The top level section was closed. It would have been nice to be open. But it made the place look fuller.
I love the lower level with pool tables, seating and a bar serving deep fried food.
I have to admit, I do have a washroom phobia and this one scared me. Needs cleaning. Have to say it, vile.
I would go again if my friends wanted to. Ah, the problems of so few places for ladies.