This store is super cute and you can never really find their pieces anywhere else but my god they must have a huge problem with theft, I was so uncomfortable shopping, they were on me like white on rice. I like to relax and take my time and look at everything and try to picture how I am going to wear things or how it will look on the person I'm buying for but when they are constantly watching you like your a shoplifter and talking to you it's hard. This store is very small and quiet, their was four associates working and 3 of the 4 engaged with me. I appreciated the first acknowledgement when I came into the small store but after that it just felt insulting. The 2nd associate who starting talking to me literally not even 2 minutes after the first girl, immediately asked me if I would like her to take my Victoria's Secret bag upfront. I would have purchased jewelry with the dress and sandals I bought but when the 3rd associate asked to hold my things up front for me I was done. I don't even think I was in their for 10 minutes. Other then all of that they have really cute things and if you go during their sales you can get a really good deal.