Vinny was very nice and reliable. We have a rescue that has some people fear although she plays great with dogs. I didn't get the feeling this business could handle dogs that are outside really normal and easy. We have since found a doggy daycare that absolutely loves our dog and actually uses her as a temperament testing dog when new trial dogs come to the facility. Unfortunately VIP pet services said she had toy aggression and they had difficulties with her in playgroup, but when I talk to a trainer about it some of their methodology was not the best for having dogs get along with each other. That was disappointing. Also without notice they had a girl come pick her up one day that was strange to us and the girl was clearly unfamiliar with dogs that had a little people fear. I guess she didn't get the message that you don't walk right up to my dog and reach for her head. Or any dog actually. I really wanted to use this business but it was just not a good fit for us. My advice is if you have a rescue or a dog that has any kind of temperament other than very adaptable and tolerant you go with someone a little more experienced.