3 stars might be a little light 4 stars a little heavy.
I really do like the Yard house I really do!!!
It's a chain and it's Very Corporate, However in This Yard House locale at Fashion Square Mall, it servers them well, Service was fine, except it came from so many people, nobody had command of the service experience at our table. We had to constantly ask for what we wanted/needed for our table of 6, and it was delivered!
The food is always delicious and my favorite part of visiting YH. They have an amazing Calamari, and almost everything else is GREAT.
Lots of Craft and import beer selections, there are so many beers on tap, but I think they are based on margins not quality. A few of my favorite Belgian's and Micro's are nowhere to be found.
I have been to many Yard Houses all over the country because you can get a great meal in a pretty predicable restaurant/bar.