That's how much it costs to see a movie at The Picture Show at Superstition Springs. Their popcorn is on par with other theaters, and their soda prices are only slightly higher than the average. This means you can have a family walk out of a theater only having spent $10. This is a ridiculously low price, as I'm sure you'd agree. The only drawback is that it's one of the "old movie" theaters. They only screen movies that are gone from the expensive theaters, but not out on BluRay yet. They air 2D and 3D movies, and their seats are comfortable enough. The place isn't snazzy. It doesn't need to be. They have decent-sized screens and adequate sound systems.
I have been there when the entire crowd was silent, and I have been there for the ghetto-fest where I had to yell at someone to shut up. I don't blame the theater for stupid people. They are everywhere and they walk into all kinds of places.
The Picture Show at Superstition Springs has become a staple for my girlfriend and I for low-priced, great entertainment. We get out of the house all the time and we're not breaking our bank-accounts to do it. We love it!