| - Stopped in for a drink after a movie at Sundance (that's a whole other review, ha!). No taps, bottles only. No Ale Asylum, Lake Louie, Tyranena, zip. OK, no biggie.
The bartender: lousy. Unsmiling, irritable, inattentive. Main priority: sitting on his ass behind the bar and talking with his buddies down at one end. One of the bottles we ordered exploded when he opened it. His response was to hold it over the bar, staring blandly at it while beer ran down the sides of the bottle, his hand and all over the bar in front of us. He didn't wipe the bottle off, and tossed me a wadded napkin to put under it. He had a bad attitude and acted like he was too good to deal with us. Why, dude- because you're wearing a tie? A monkey suit does not a bartender make. What's that saying about lipstick on a pig? Aaaanyways...
The tiger decor, furry walls, nature show playing on the TV, and old jukebox (which nobody played while we were there) ALMOST puts this place at 2 stars. But not quite.
I had my sticky, lukewarm beer and we got the hell out.
By the way, my friend and I said "fuck" about 10 times while we were in there. (insert Nelson laugh)!