| - Little princes packed in the stroller (it is cold in TO, btw), I sense a need for coffee - and LIT I see. It is located in some old warehouse kind of building, a weird bar, really, in a furniture store? (Are you supposed to be sitting on the couches for sale?).
The guy behind the bar was serving a couple in front of me, it took him forever, and I mean forever, like 10 minutes. Little princess, in full winter attire got nervous and excited, wanted ot of her stroller. I had no intention of unpacking her. Time was of the essence here. He never even gave me a single glance, acknowledge my presence (we could be heard, believe me, princess switched on her yellow alert siren), asked me what I wanted, or apologized for the wait (that would probably be too far fetched, wouldn't it) - he was standing next to me, within arm's reach. He was so rude in a passive aggressive kind of way, I couldn't believe it.
I almost gave him the finger, but priority was to console the irate princess.
I left. Worst customer service ever. What these people don't get when they behave like that - like stubborn moose or whatever the deal is - they lose a potentially loyal (and one that is not insolvent either) customer (and I like the LIT coffee). Needless to say, I will NEVER be back. Too pissed off I am.
Walked down to Dark Horse, which is about 3 minutes away, and had a marvellous macchiato. And it was packed; yet I had my coffee within 3 minutes. That's a caffeine pit-stop right there.