You know when you drink all night and your (hopefully) sober driver reminds you that hangover-prevention starts with putting something in your stomach, but the only place open is the sketchy Jack-in-the-Box with no lights in the parking lot, but you're so drunk you don't care? That pretty much sums up my attitude about this place when I'm in dire need of my daily caffeine dosage.
I've never had a good experience at any of these locations. The good ole caffeine-driven coffee shop welcome has been replaced with a 30 second delay that allows the barista to finish their conversation before they drag their feet over to the counter to greet you with a "what can I get for you" in a not-so-well-hidden tone of inconvenience.
This definitely puts the mediocre coffee miles ahead of the staff. And if you think "triceratips" is a clever play on words, think again, it's only because tips here are clearly prehistoric.
But hey, if you're into the raised-brow of judgment when you order a large, not realizing it doubles as a non-biodegradable tent for 5, you're really going to love this place.
The only good thing is that the setup isn't over-the-top and cheesy. It's a pretty comfortable atmosphere to relax and read or visit with someone. But be warned that if you sit at a table that hugs the bar, the bar patrons are going to read that 50 Shades of Gray over your shoulder, or watch "Chocolate Rain" on your phone with you.