We met Siegfried! As soon as we entered a crowd was starting to form around the former star and we got a picture with him. The lions and tigers were mostly asleep, but a few were awake and walking around. They are all beautiful and majestic, but we couldn't help but notice that one was wounded and visibly distressed. He was pacing back and forth and had a gash in its side. This was a bit worrisome.
Roy was sitting in the White Lion cub enclosure along with some trainers. The cubs were adorable! Next was the dolphin habitat. They were feeding the dolphins when we got there, and had a short training display where some were jumping and flipping through the air. Very informal, but still impressive. There was an underwater viewing area where we could watch the dolphins frolic underwater and seemed to be attempting whirlpool which was fun to watch. One had a ball and was "Dribbling: underwater. He had the ball in his mouth and would flick his head downward, tossing the ball down, then catch it in his mouth again when it floated back up.