This is not a good cart to stop at if you're in a rush, but it's a campus favorite for a reason! I typically wait about 20 minutes, but when it's summer time in Madison it's not even an issue. Just gives me an excuse to people watch.She's also improved over the past couple years by now taking names instead of randomly calling out orders.
The spring rolls range from only $3-4 and are SO fresh. I'm talking best spring roll of my life fresh. And they're massive! I like spice, but I will warn that the spicy spring roll really has a kick to it.
Today I splurged and also got the mango tango smoothie with mango, orange juice, pineapple juice, and banana. It's one of the few places where I don't feel like I'm getting ripped off with an excessive amount of crushed ice in it. And the sizing is appropriate for the cost. If you haven't explored this food cart yet, it's an absolute must!!