| - There are some people who play magic the gathering (and similar games) who also maintain normal social lives, have girlfriends, and even shower regularly. You won't find any of this type of player among the staff of this shop.
It's hard for new players to get started in magic because there is a stigma about MTG players being rude, unfriendly, not sociable, and generally smelly. Such is my experience from the staff at the shop. And no wonder people don't want to try playing this game.
So let me tell you my story. I've played magic for a long long time (since around urza's saga), but just recently decided to get back into it heavily. A friend of mine and I went to this store to pick up some boosters and whatever, and just check it out because we've heard good things. He is also a brand new player.
I think because I was wearing a collared shirt and was freshly shaven, the staff considered me some kind of menace or outsider, and avoided eye contact, no matter how long I stood at the counter ready to buy something, until I finally asked someone directly to help ring me up. I felt like a guy in a ski mask trying to buy cigarettes.
We came on a thursday, which was draft night, a format my friend and I were not familiar with at the time. HO-BOY was I sorry I asked for information about how draft works. It was such an effort for the guy at the counter (I think he was the owner) to explain it to me. Like I was asking him to do my taxes. He and his unwashed friends or employees (I couldn't tell who actually worked there) also made a couple snarky comments and giggled at my ignorance.
So how the shit are people supposed to learn to play? Don't these people want new opponents? Why must they try and alienate new players? Please, I would like to know.
If you work here, keep this in mind. There are people like me who, unlike you, haven't entirely given up on the opposite sex. That doesn't mean I'm not just as much of a nerd on the inside. Just like you, I'm going to go home after this and play 6-8 hours of video games. I'm going to order pizza because I'm too lazy to cook. I'm going to correct others about Star Wars trivia and wish that Firefly never ended. I'm going to explain to reluctant ears what I think Tom Bombadill represents and how I'm also sad he wasn't in the movies. I'm going to stay up all night writing code.
So can I play magic too? Holy shit. What a bunch of assholes.