| - Poor Service, Poorly Made Coffee, & Tasty Sweets.
When i Deal Coffee opened up on Yonge St. (North of Lawrence), the neighborhood really didn't have many options for coffee that didn't come from a large franchise. "i Deal" still being a franchise, came as a refreshing site. Staff were excited to meet new people and give insight to customers about their products or brand.
This is not the i Deal Coffee that resides there now though. The service is unexplainably slow. Not for a good reason, as in "they spend a long time to perfect every drink." No that's not it for sure. I would label it more with inexperienced barista's who have a vibe of, I don't want to be here and I certainly don't feel like even pretending to care about the well being of our customers. One may say they are understaffed, but on days when they have 2 or 3 staff working, their lack of communication skills (to do with work - as opposed to their weekend plans) and their frazzled composure, results in equally slow and un-energetic service.
I have always enjoyed their baked cookies, muffins, and gelato; Non of which is made in-house. So why do I still visit? I really make a strong effort not to anymore. They were just the only option that was open. Sad times.
If you love the place, please don't take offense. This is hopefully useful constructive criticism. There is nothing wrong with the coffee beans them selves, just what is made with them & those who make it.