My first experience at the Improv was just a couple weeks ago, and to be honest, I don't spend a lot of time in comedy clubs. What I can say is the venue space is decent and the layout was different that I had experienced at other comedy clubs around town in that everyone sat in rows. I thought this was genius because it would make it easier for my server to get to me when I inevitably needed a plethora of booze because I was in a comedy club.
Boy was I wrong - despite the fact there seemed to be more than enough servers available, service was slow and sporadic. And I don't mean like in between comedians sporadic. It made very little sense to me at all - folks sitting down my row got 4-5 cocktails in the time it took me to order and receive a beer. And trust, I was in need of a beer or 12.
Maybe it was an off night (it was a Sunday) but I hope next time I come back for the service to be a little more attentive.