| - So, you own a Mercedes. Thank the Lord above you've been so blessed. You have been given the gift of owning simply the BEST vehicle produced in the world.
Realize this. . .it's going to cost you money. You have rich people problems. SO, when you have an issue, where is the best, most convenient and frankly honest place to have work done?
Well, understanding owning a Mercedes is going to involve two zeros (00's) at the end of anything, South Charlotte is excellent. Understanding that, ANDRE in the service department, or as I like to refer to him as "Dr. Dre" is the BEST.
Honest, thorough, realistic and extremely kind, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more gracious service representative. I bitch as much as anyone about the cost of owning a Mercedes. BUT, truth be told, if I'm going to pay for repairs and maintenance, there isn't ANYONE out there whom I'd trust more.
If you live in SouthEast Charlotte, and have been blessed to own a premium vehicle, call Andre. . .and stop complaining. You're driving a Benz.