One of the worst patient treatment facilities I've been to! From start to finish expect to be treated like a piece of scum. No tests ran, felt belittled and complete abandonment of care. Was basically pre categorized as a junkie while I begged for any type of treatment. High blood pressure of 168/100 going in and released with bp of 158/102!!! WHY WOULD YOU RELEASE A PATIENT WITH THAT HIGH OF A RISK FOR STROKE WITHOUT TESTS RAN OR PAIN TREATED!? I recieved a shot of medication I clearly told them I was allergic to and as I showed the MA my red flushed arms and hands and he has the audacity to tell me, thats not what they consider an allergic reaction. Uhhhm really!!?? Upon walking out the MA yells out loud "Well have a great day ma'am! Hey (anonymous) I have a refusal to sign!" The colleague then yells back, "Another one? Bring it here".
Avoid this place at all costs and don't waste your time nor insurance! What a great joke & disgrace to the medical field.