| - The best parts of Cici's, Chuck E Cheese, and every Indoor Playground, rolled into one!
I was super impressed with this place. Reasonable price, all you can eat and drink, and plenty of games and a few rides!
All you can eat fried chicken, need I say more? Ok, well also fun pizzas constantly being served like Thai pizza, Chicken Quesadilla, BBQ, and others. They even had fresh made donuts, cinnamon buns, and a solid salad bar with rare toppings like garbanzo and beets (and everything in between). Oh yeah, and the bread sticks were amazing!
I love the e-ticket system. Unlike other arcades that spit out paper tickets, which you then have to hold onto, and have counted, this place tracks them all electronically. Swipe your play card, and forget it. It basically becomes a rewards credit card, which is really convenient. They even have cool little bonus is like a dance party that brings out with their mascot, then throws out free tickets at the end. And when you redeem your tickets, it seems like they round up whatever remainder you have at the end, to make sure you get to use every last one.
I was also impressed at how big this place was. I never had to wait for food, or games, or drinks, or anything else. The only thing I had to wait for was parking, because it was so busy, but that's a good thing. It's good because it means this place is doing well and will be with us for a long time, And I for one am glad!