| - I've been here a few times as I generally try to shop in independent bookstores when I can. It is worth noting that the prices are generally 2-3 times what you'd pay on eBay or Amazon for the same book, and that the interior of the shop is incredibly dusty. Many of the books are in poor condition or dirty, with much of the selection appearing in no better condition than what one might encounter at Goodwill.
However, the most recent visit which prompts this review was certainly more troublesome than some dusty books.
I arrived at this store and heard some cacophonous goings-on at the back which turned out to be some kind of event in which bands and solo acts were playing. There was a guy behind a counter collecting entrance fees, and when I asked he said that the $5 cover would be going to a battered women's shelter. That seemed rather decent, so I bought a water ($1) and went in.
After the first band played--which was basically awful, but being that it was probably two high school kids not entirely unexpected--a young-ish harpie took to the stage to tell the assembled masses (roughly 12 people) what our donations were paying for.
She commenced to thank the crowd for its support of their cause and it that point I found out this was some so-called "anarchist" fundraiser. Having been unacquainted with the local expressions of this "movement" beyond the odd Food-not-Bombs participant, I was somewhat surprised to see this type of organization convening in the rapidly gentrifying area of Phoenix in which I've chosen to make my home.
The harpie then cajoled us further to participate in some activity she called "the Shame Wall" (no, not the "Wall of Shame"; it was not that clever), and encouraged all listeners to come and engage her and the others at some information table to "learn more and get involved". Upon getting a closer look, I confirmed that this "Shame Wall" was an exercise in slander and libel whereby any individual (male, female, or other) might anonymously accuse another of a range of transgressions ranging from thoughtcrime (divergence from the observed leftist kant) to aggravated rape.
Apprising this individual of the risk of prosecution at the hands of someone that would be slandered by this use of their donations, I asked them to either take it down or return the entrance fee that I paid, as I didn't want to support something that is both legally and ethically wrong--as well as hateful and mean spirited. At this point the girl became agitated and said that to seek protections for the accused is just as bad a rape itself, and that "no one" is ever falsely accused of rape, and that the very concept of a false rape accusation is simply the seeds of doubt sown by the running dogs of capitalism and oppression, etc.
At this point a crowd began to form as the harpie continued to escalate and raise her voice--demonstrating again that when an authoritarian leftist says she wants to be "heard" she wants to be obeyed at the threat of social exclusion and defamation. We attracted some attention of the "anarchist" group's leader (recognizing the contradiction, obviously) who handily carried in a set of chairs next to the "Shame Wall" so that we might sit and begin a dialogue. Neither the harpie, once agitated, or myself saw any point to this, with the young woman setting her sights on some sort of "win" so that she might end the conversation, settling finally on the goal of denying me the $5 refund.
Turning to leave, I instead appealed to slight boy (man?) that I had paid a few minutes earlier. "No refunds" he said, and the "anarchist" turned out to be an enterprising little capitalist of the type not seen since PT Barnum, as "you came and heard the music and then had a conversation", continuing, "You ruined the event".
This poor, confused little boy, his unread Bakunin likely gathering dust in the shop while he thumbs through tumblr, believed that my refund request had "ruined" their anarchist club event. Well, the little bastard has probably never seen a print of Picasso's Guernica to think that the worst thing an "anarchist" might encounter is skepticism or disbelief. (Also, what kind of "anarchist" has a $500 smart phone and a credit card reader that he can attach to it to collect donations from my massive conglomerate bank?)
- Was Lawn Gnome entitling this "anarchist" club to legitimately conduct business under Lawn Gnome's permits (charging of entrance fees and sales of water, etc.)?
- Is the "anarchist" organization or Lawn Gnome a registered charity, as the girl promoting the "Shame Wall" promoted it as one on stage?
- What standards are being applied to the above charity organization to ensure funds are not mishandled? What is the involvement of Lawn Gnome?
- Has Lawn Gnome secured live music permits for these "anarchist" fundraisers?
- Why is Lawn Gnome so dusty inside, with its surly employees so unconcerned with the labors for which they are (presumably) compensated?