| - I started going here as soon as I started working in the same building. I was told from coworkers that the breakfasts are good but the lunches are hit or miss. I have purchased both breakfast and lunch options, as well as bakery treats, too many times to count. Therefore, I will say the following:
- Breakfast is usually great. The souffles are amazing, the smoked salmon on a bagel is superb, and it's moderately priced for downtown - around $7 for a breakfast and coffee. The meals fill you up to get to lunch. The coffee is also great and simple.
- Lunch is usually a miss for me. I liked the Stuffed Pepper Bowl but it is seasonal. Everything else I have tried has not been good. It's kind of like dressing up - take one thing off at the door and you're good. They need to remove one "extra" and it would be a great lunch. I don't feel like I get my money's worth on the lunches either. Maybe throw in a bag of chips and a drink too rather than the pickle or vegetable option. Also, put some signage up saying how lunch needs to be ordered because you feel a bit like a novice idiot when you don't realize you tell the person with the notepad your order and name, take that to the register and pay, and then wait to get called.
- Sweet treats are really good - great cookie selection and interesting takes on classics. The only one I didn't like was a scone that was really dry. But I did get it at the end of the day so maybe it went stale?
- The refrigerated section is full of different salads and fruits and is usually good. Twice I purchased some spoiled hard boiled eggs but out of probably 100 times that is bound to happen. I think they've gotten more stringent on that though with the dated labels.
I really do enjoy the people that work there. Some of them seem a little rough around the edges but their personalities grow on you. The register seems to be a revolving door but I think the new woman they have is a good fit - she's friendly and fun.
My recommendations would be: offer total meals for breakfast and lunch like a meal and a drink for $X, offer a punch card for frequent guests so I feel like my choosing them for food is rewarded, re calibrate the lunch offerings and pair down on some of the unique ingredients on sandwiches, and monitor the refrigerated items closely to make sure you aren't labeling spoiled food as still good for a few days.