I am a frequent seller at Avalon sine 2015. I've always had a great experience with Ariel and the old team.
Yesterday I had a horrible experience that I'd like to share, I went there with 2 big heavy boxes filled of great quality clothes (given that I am 9 months pregnant and moving overseas) and branded items that would fit their assortment. A few minutes later, I get a call from the store's new management saying that my order is ready, I come back surprised by their fast pace. The sales person tells me that they won't take anything, I am surprised again but understand the curation team's unjustified decision. So I OFFER to give away all the clothes for their yearly dollar sale, the manager barely looks at me and says "no you can take it all away" while waving his hand...I was standing there with my big belly and 2 x 20lbs boxes.
A woman who saw me struggling taking the heavy boxes out in the rain gently offered to help me to save me time and energy.
A bit of consideration for a pregnant woman or a bit of consideration for a kind gesture of generosity wouldn't hurt.