Loved this show, more than we initially thought we would. I heard the show was good from many people so decided to check it out.
This show is at The Quad (previously Imperial Palace), and parking is horrendous. We drove all the way up to the dead end, and had to reverse and go back down to look for a spot, yes, us and many other vehicles. Took as 20 minutes before a car backed out of a spot and us taking the spot.
The casino isn't impressive whatsoever, so that lowered our expectation of the show even more. When we got to the entrance of the theater, we were directed to chose an instrument. I chose the pan, in which the stick is given to you on your way in.
The show was pretty awesome. They are definitely talented dudes. There were many funny moments within the show too. I loved it from beginning to end. I felt as if though it ended too quickly...but that was because I was enjoying the show too much. It's about 1.5 hr show. Oh yeah, I ate two warm cookies as well.
This show is enjoyable for adults and kids alike. I loved it and would recommend it to everyone.