Although I've never been here, I donate tons of stuff and it probably ends up here. Once every couple of months I schedule a pickup on The website is easy to use and you can pretty much pick any day you want to have them pick up your items. I normally just put the stuff outside my door and they always show up as scheduled to pick it up. I did have some larger items a few times and they do give you a window of a couple hours during which they will show up to take it out of your house. They are normally on time but will cry like babies if the stuff is heavy or if there are stairs. Their pickup people are normally pretty friendly but a few are sketchy.
Part of me wishes that I wasn't so lazy and could sell some of the items on my own because what I donate is worth WAY more than I am allowed to write off of my taxes. However, I guess it feels good to know that my stuff is being donated to a worthwhile cause.