I haven't been to this Waffle House location in about a year, so as far as I know, things may have gotten better. The reason I stopped going was that the last time that I went, the waitress was incredibly rude to me, so much so that other guests started looking over at my table probably because they were so disturbed at the treatment I was receiving as well. The waitress wouldn't look me in the eye, spoke harshly to me, and I had to ask her multiple times to tell me what my choices for soft drinks were. I am 90 percent sure that this was a racial issue. I was the only white person in the establishment and I feel that this was almost an attempt to send the message that I wasn't welcome there. Well, it worked. I haven't gone back. I think whoever runs this Waffle House needs to ask him or herself whether this is the kind of reputation he or she wants it to have though.