I called a lady answered and I asked if she could give me an estimate on what I would need to pay for vehicle registration and she said I'd have to come in. I said well I'm trying to save time, couldn't I just give you basic info over the phone that you'd look at when I come in and she said NO. You need to come in sir. Aren't title offices like this around so we don't have to deal with the MVD attitudes, I guess she was hired from an MVD office. Anyways she was rude because she wasn't willing to help me, so I said then if you can't do that for me ill call and take my business elsewhere, her response: that's fine.
I thought business's actually needed customers to stay in business. Mmmh not sure this place has figured that out.
Update. I just called another title place (baseline and lindsay)and. They gave all info over the phone and all she needed was the YR of the vehicle. HAH