Mr. Olympia is a surreal spectacle- in other words, it fits with the Las Vegas vibe. If you can go to ancient Rome, ancient Egypt&Paris in Vegas, anything is possible. The whole point of Mr. Olympia are its seemingly impossible physiques, wouldn't be surprised if this were the future- Or this Let alone this, since there is a trend of mass monsters-
When bodybuilding started out, it was originally a test of strength- yesterday's bodybuilders would be powerlifters today. There was strength along with looks. Now, many bodybuilders are at their weakest when they compete.
The Mr. Olympia Expo shows the tension between bodybuilding as a sport, or something akin to a beauty pageant with muscles. The expo highlights health&fitness. There are freebies for the everyday person. It draws crowds, so it's not just for celebrities or folks in the upper tiers of the sports. It's Mr. Olympia, not the Olympics. Surprisingly affordable.
Mr. Olympia- is it a sport? One of Las Vegas' more fascinating spectacles.