Picture an amazon store but for puppies and not online! Perfect warehouse to stock up on toys, bones (if it's your thing), leashes/collars and everything else a pup needs. Located in a strip mall off McDowell and 18st it's really easy to miss if you aren't looking for it.
Everyone mentions not great customer service, my experience was fine. I was greeted when I walked in by 1 of the 3 cashiers and when I got back into the warehouse a guy asked if I was looking for anything in particular ( as I was so that cut down some time). The aisles aren't labeled and if they are I missed it so you have to walk down every aisle to see what they have. They have rawhide bones, kennels, play pens, dog mats, collars, every type of toy you can imagine.
Prices were cheaper then target, petsmart but maybe similar to amazon. A few toys I saw that I had bought off amazon already were within a 0.50 price range so not too much savings. All in all I bought I choke collar, two nylabones and a Kong frisbee thing for under $25!