| - I am all about things that are free. Plus, there's loads of art here, and art makes me happy. Plus, ac on a warm day, score.
We ate lunch-ish, at the cafe. Mother had a nan shimp wrap with mango chutney (I had a bite, yum). My sis and I shared the flatbread pizza with pesto and tomaters. It was so nice to spend time with my sister and my niece, who's going to be six months in a few weeks. My sister is visiting her bff from here who currently lives across the Atlantic in the UK, but is in town visiting her family for the week. Smashing.
Back to the museum, sorry for the detour. Don't miss the Bierstadt of Yosemite Valley, truly one of the special places in this world. Also, there's a nice John Singer Sargeant portrait, and a Gainsborough or two. Tiffany and Faberge alcoves are also nice. We left before I could fully explore the faberge nook, but hanging with an infant requires flexibility.