I see all these positive reviews and it makes me ask what the heck is everyone thinking. With so many good real ice cream places around, how did this place make the list? The good ratings must be a result of the "McDonalds Generation". It is only slightly better than McDonalds soft serve so if you were raised on McDonalds then this is good.
Because I live a block away I find myself coming here in hopes it will satisfy my craving. I've been here a few times and each time I am disappointed and upset at the use of deception. That's the one thing I cant tolerate when it comes to food is deception.
I don't care what you sell provided you call it what it is so the consumer can make an informed choice. If you play on words to gain the confidence of a consumer then what else are you doing when we are not looking. That's called no integrity. Are they wrong for selling this, of course not, but to make claims of homemade when it isn't even close to homemade is enough to keep me away.
I've noticed on my visit they use the words homemade a lot and yet nothing is homemade, it is only mixed here and processed entirely some where else. If adding a flavour to something deems it homemade then Kraft dinner could be deemed homemade. Think about this.
Delight on queen west is the only place I know that actually makes home made, from scratch ice cream. I would be interested in knowing of any others. Please let me know.
Eds products is loaded with sugar and sugar is no good for anyone. Wake up people and walk past this place. If you are going to abuse yourself, do it with integrity and support someone that doesn't lie.