With so many Burger places popping up in Las Vegas you have a lot of choices on where you want to get your inner carnivore on.
I decided to stop by New York New York to check out Shake Shack.They have a nice ordering system, as you enter there is a large menu on the wall and several staff members to take your order. After ordering you're given a buzzer to let you know when the food is ready to pick up at the next counter.
Ordered a regular Smokeshack burger because dinner was getting close, but it was so hard not to just go for it and screw up dinner.
Loved loved the spiciness of the peppers, the freshness of the veggies and the great crunch from the pickles in my burger,what an excellent all around burger.
I'm definitely craving a Shake Shack burger right now as I write this review *Drools on keyboard *
Only wish now is that they open one in Hawaii!