We enjoyed ourselves! We got in off of the Pogo Pass (if you don't know what it is, it's amazing. Look it up) with no problem. And was able to get a re entry hand stamp and eat our packed lunch at a picnic table right outside of the entrance. Water was cold but warmed up a bit, not icy cold. It was perfect! The best part was that the 4 person raft ride has a raft lift! We didn't have to carry that one up the stairs. All other rides tho, you have to carry your raft but at least its just the single or double ones. There was a weight check on every ride we went on (I don't know if they all have it). And my favorite was the lazy river. I liked the way the entry to it was a big beach type entry with chairs near by. Made for a great spots for Littles to frolic. Their main little kid area was small but my little one loved it because it didn't have water spraying him as he was going up. I'm sure he could have played there for a while but he's a thrill seeker and we were on a mission to ride. Lol All in all a good time and we would go again.