A hip replacement that has turned into a freaking nightmare!! My mom went in for surgery on wed.8/19/2015 The prep nurses and her doc were very nice and attentive in the beginning. The procedure took 2 hrs. After that...she stayed in the "recovery" area from 330pm until a room opened up at 9pm. I don't understand that if they knew she was going in...WHY wasn't there a room for her?? Thurs. she was OUT OF IT! She was in excruciating pain the entire day and night! My mom gave birth to 5 kids and she said that was less painful than this.
We stated over 5x's that she needed her eye drops and other meds that she takes on a regular basis and the nurses said "no worries we have that all taken care of". My mom never got her drops or reg meds till FRIDAY and even than she still did NOT get her eye drops. In the meantime, my mom never urinated. THEY said it was ok. They came and took vidals and all seemed ok according to them. She was burning up and her temp was normal. Well IT WASNT! THEY never put the thermometer all the way under her tongue! Turns out she had a 103 temp! Her blatter almost burst, she went into some kindda cardiac thing, she had to be put on oxygen with a mask...WTF???? A simple or rather common surgery turned into a nightmare that is STILL going on (sun)! The doctor blatantly lied to me...not to mention he said she was going to the 6th floor for rehab and THEY DON'T HAVE A 6TH FLOOR!!! Thank God my sister is a nurse and took care of the situation promptly...She actually had to show them how to do THEIR job correctly. At present, they don't know what is causing the temp/infection. They had to put the IV back in, catheter in, and my family is doing the 24 hr watch taking pictures and notes to make sure they follow through with correct treatment. It doesn't look like she is going to be released to rehab till at least Wed. All this $, time and pain because the staff on the 3rd floor is a bunch of ignorant, lying, unprofessional, ...I don't even know what to call them...Im so frustrated and my heart breaks for my mom that she has/had to go through all of this. I pray she gets better quickly because I see a lawsuit coming!!!!!!!!